In Tehran Truth Cinema Festival
Srebrenica Muslim Massacre (genocide) by Serbs
    2010/10/30 11:25      
In this 70 Min film which is produced in 2010 by DEFC, Reza Borji shows genocides of Srebrenica’s people by Serbs in 1995. He has the record of being in war zones, and till now he had been in 15 wars around the world as photographer, reporter and filmmaker and had written books about this issue, he had held exhibitions in different parts of the world. 
His documentary works are: lost generation, broken medals, why we fight? , Tear and olive years (about 33 day war between Lebanon and Israel) and Srebrenica Mothers.
Public relation office of international Truth cinema Festival announces that the fourth Festival will be hold in Tehran from 8th to 12th of November.

Source: artna

All rights reserved for the Misagh Cultural Center.